Gross Motor Development Milestones: What are They and Why Parents Should Be Paying Attention

From the moment a child is born, they begin to move, working to gain greater control over their bodies. The movements are small at first but, overtime, their frequency increases as muscles are strengthened. Gross motor development centers around children developing the skills necessary to control the large muscles of the body that are so […]
6 Simple Craft Projects Your Preschooler Will Love

For children, there’s something undeniably intriguing about crafting. Perhaps it’s the novelty of creating something new from every day, household items. It could be the satisfaction that comes from completing a task. Regardless, crafting is not only good for a child’s imagination, but it is also a valuable tool in improving their development. Working on […]
7 Activities That Can Start Improving Your Child’s Hand-Eye Coordination Today

Hand-eye coordination is one of those developmental milestones you’ve likely heard mentioned in parent-teacher meetings, but you may not know what it really means. Today we’re going to do a deep dive into the topic, explain what is, why it is so important, and share 7 activities that you can engage in with your child […]
9 Tips for Evaluating Sydney Childcare Centres

No decision feels as important as choosing the right childcare centre for your child. After all, these are the professionals who will care for and educate your child for the majority of the day, so it’s natural to want to make the best possible choice. But how do you know what to look for when […]
Container Baby Syndrome: Here’s What Parents Should Know

Anyone caring for an infant knows that sense of relief when you find a safe place to put them for a much-needed break. Bouncy seats, bassinets, nursing pillows, and swings, often referred to as “baby containers’ ‘, can become a parent or caregiver must-have accessory. But how much is too much time for an infant […]
An Explanation of Active Learning in Early Childhood and Activities to Promote Active Learning

Active learning is defined as learning in which a child, through interactions with objects, people, or new concepts, develops new understanding. Active learning requires the participation of the child—it cannot happen without it—and is built around these key truths: Learning requires the participation of the learner. Children learn in different ways and at different rates. […]
Why You May Want to Consider Delaying Your Child’s Enrolment in Primary School for 2022

Each year when the time to enrol in school rolls around, parents of 4 ½ to 5 year old children must decide whether to enrol them in school or wait until the following year. It’s a big decision, and one that should not be made lightly, as enroling children in school before they are developmentally […]
How to Win the Food War with a Picky Toddler

No greater power struggle has ever existed than that between a strong-willed toddler and concerned parents who fear their child isn’t eating a well-balanced diet. As a parent, watching your child turn their nose up at healthy options can be frustrating, and trying to plan and prepare meals they will actually eat feels like mission […]
Games and Activities for Each of the 5 Areas of Developmental Learning

Early childhood is a time of rapid growth and learning for children. It is during these formative years they begin building a strong foundation on which all future learning will take place. And many parents are surprised that the act of play is so integral to proper, healthy development. It is through play that children […]
5 Kid-Friendly Activities to Get Their Creative Juices Flowing

Children are naturally curious about the world around them and inherently creative. Providing activities that nurture that creativity and spark imagination helps children become better thinkers and problem solvers and teaches them how to express themselves in exciting ways. We’ve gathered a list of 5 activities that your little learner is sure to love, and […]