Interview on 2BS Radio with Lyn Connolly

Interview on 2BS Radio with Lyn Connolly, in her role as President of ACA NSW, thanking all educators for their fabulous contribution to the young children they care for, develop, nurture and educate and the vital importance of all children having access to these worldwide recognised benefits of and early childhood education.
Kaitlyn Lonard Nominated Supervisor Clovel Liverpool

Kaitlyn Lonard, Nominated Supervisor Clovel Liverpool featured in this Guardian article as she discusses her experience working as a frontline worker during covid-19. At Clovel, we are proud to be providing our children with the education, love and continuity of care they so desperately need during such a difficult time in society and we are […]
The Importance of Scientific Principles in the Life a Preschool Child and 4 Activities to Nurture Scientific Minds

When we think of activities to engage our children, our minds often default to playing with toys, imaginative play, or reading. It is less common to consider science activities as a natural part of learning, particularly in younger, preschool aged children. Yet, research indicates learning to think scientifically at a young age can actually change […]
4 Tips for Making Nutrition Fun for Children

As parents or caregivers to young children, we’ve all been there—we slave away in the kitchen, making a nutrient dense meal full of nutritious foods…only to have our children turn their noses up at it and beg for takeaway from the nearest burger bar. Oh, the humanity! As frustrating as these experiences can be, it […]
The Brain-Body Connection: How Early Childhood Development and Long-term Health are Inextricably Connected

People are often surprised to learn how profoundly our early childhood experiences affect our health into adulthood. Researchers have realized that the experiences children live through affect not only their brain development but other systems within the body including heart and lung function, infection resistance, and physical growth. Scientists and educators alike are realising now […]
The Importance of Parental Perspective When Addressing Important Health Issues in the Nation’s Children

The health of a child is often a primary concern for parents beginning when they first learn they are pregnant. But research indicates that a child’s health isn’t only important for their current wellbeing, but can affect their overall physical and emotional wellness well into adulthood. At the end of 2020, the Australian Institute of […]
8 Tips and Tricks to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Children

As parents, we try to offer our children the very best in every aspect of their lives—immersive learning experiences, fun vacations, and well-rounded education. But when it comes to eating, the “best”, or healthiest, foods are often met with turned up noses and tightly shut lips. Given the popularity of sugary drinks and filler-filled snacks, […]
Clovel Childcare Featured On Channel 7 News

Clovel Childcare featured on Channel 7 news identifying how childcare centres are implementing hygiene practices and processes in line with the latest Sydney lockdown restrictions. Listen to Lyn Connolly, Owner Operator of Clovel Childcare and President of the Australian Childcare Alliance NSW, detail staff protocol and procedures. Remember we are all in this together during […]
School Readiness and What the Research Says Affects It May Surprise You

The subject of school readiness can be confusing for parents. Many assume readiness is a task that is mastered during the preschool years. After all, isn’t that one of the reasons they go? To get ready for school? If you assume being able to identify letters and numbers or knowing how to read and write […]
The Difficult but Tremendously Important Concept of Safeguarding Children

Child abuse is a difficult subject to discuss. For many, it’s a difficult subject to even think about. Yet, as early childhood educators, it is important that we understand the responsibility we undertake when children come into our care. For many children, educators are their only hope in getting help and removal from abusive situations. […]