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Tips To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

Preparing yourself and your child for preschool is no less than a test for you. You wonder how your little one will adjust in the preschool. You feel emotionally charged and anxious. But the thought of your child enjoying fun and friends in the school makes you glad. All these are conflicting emotions which your child is blissfully unaware of.

She will either be eager to attend the preschool or unwilling to leave you fearing the unfamiliar. It depends on your child’s temperament. She would also be going through a cycle of emotions on a different level though. Isn’t this something every parent and a preschool-going child experiences? Here are some tips to help prepare your child for preschool.

#1 Have Fun with the Preparations

As your toddler gets ready for the big day, keep your excitement and emotions under control. Remember that you are just exposing your child to a bigger world than your family and let it be a fun experience for your child. Allow them to pack their little bag, look at all the new things you have bought for them and give them the chance to savour the new experiences in their way.

#2 Pretend Play Is A Great Way to Go

The best way to keep the child away from the anxiety of going to preschool is to assume various roles like a child, parent, and teacher. If you act out daily routines like getting ready for school, saying good-bye to mom and dad, playing in the garden, reading stories, singing songs, etc. the child becomes a part of this acting. So on the big day, your child is more than willing to head to preschool without any anxieties and fear.

#3 Get Creative While Teaching Basic Skills

There are basic things a child needs to do independently in the school. They include hanging a coat on the hook, carrying a backpack, fastening their shoes as well as opening up their lunch box and unwrapping a sandwich, etc. Practice it at home or a picnic in a nearby garden and turn it into a natural activity. Children are quick learners and pick up these simple skills easily.

#4 Play at the New Preschool

Make it a point to visit the preschool and take your child along. Take a tour of the school and play with her on the school grounds a few times before the school starts. She will be able to familiarise herself with the surroundings and feel encouraged to go to school.

#5 Address Your Child’s Concerns and Worries

It is natural for your child to feel anxious, as well as excited. She may have some questions in her mind. Help her to talk about it and answer all her queries patiently. Tell her that you felt the same way on the first day of your school and how happy you were attending it. A child should not enter a school with anxieties or fears because it will affect her experience of attending a school. Let your child know that other children feel the same way, and her feelings aren’t unusual.

#6 Notice Various Nonverbal Messages

While some children are very talkative and express their feelings in their natural way, others are unable to express their worries, anxieties, or excitement. The parent needs to know the child’s traits and how she will react – aggressively, by withdrawing or by clinging to you. Be aware that this day is bringing in a big change in your child’s life, and you will need to be more supportive, loving, patient, and understanding about their reactions.

If you want to know more about pre-schooling at Clovel Childcare and Early Learning Centres, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Just give us a call at 02 9199 0294 or fill in this contact us form.

Thanks for reading,
Clovel Childcare
1300 863 986