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Aspects That Shape The Development Of Your Child

Your child’s growth needs to include various aspects of their life. While physical growth is a vital and visible aspect, the development of other facets such as emotional, social, intellectual, behavioural responses and communication skills are equally important, all of which are interdependent and influence each other. Here we take a look at what they are:

Relationships Are the Bedrock of a Child’s Development

Relationships of all types are at the heart of a child’s development at various stages of life. Brick by brick, they build the child’s experiences of the world around them and teach them to understand it. They act like a mirror through which a child begins to look at the world and form a better understanding of things.

Children, in general, are very perceptive. They learn by observing how individuals behave with each other. From a close distance, they notice how you and your partner behave with each other. This learning often works as a starting point of your child’s behaviour, social and other skills.

Your child’s relationship with you is at the centre of all other relationships. Other associations with family members, friends, caretakers, educators, too play a crucial role.

A loving and close bond between you and your child result in mutual learning about each other and helps to build a bridge of understanding. A growing child’s needs develop and change. You need to understand those needs and learn how to fulfill them.

Play Is Important Too

In early childhood, your child learns through the medium of play. For her, play is a fun activity to experiment, explore, observe, make mistakes and naturally solve problems. Your encouragement, as well as support, play a vital role at this stage. You must let go of the support at the right moment to enable her to learn through her mistakes as well. This is the time for them to learn by negotiating with the world around them. Your role is to help your child learn the necessary skills for life, like communicating, socialising with children and people around, thinking, helping others, moving, solving problems etc. You can achieve this by spending a lot of time playing, interacting, listening and talking to them.

Other Things that Matter

Some other factors influence your child’s development. While their genes are closely linked to their well-being, other significant aspects include physical activity, healthy eating, general health and their immediate environment.

1. Nourishing Food

A child needs nourishing foods to grow and develop well. Their sense of taste develops during this period too. If you lay the foundation of healthy eating habits in your child while they are very young, it becomes intrinsic to their nature. Let your child see you preparing healthy meals. When they sit with family and share this good food, they adopt healthy eating habits.

2. Health is The Base

Your child’s good health is central to their overall development. Every child suffers from colds and coughs, stomach ache and earache at some time or the other, but these are minor ailments that vanish with the right treatment. However, if your child suffers from any chronic illness, you must consult the paediatrician. These medical experts can diagnose the condition that affects your child’s growth. They will educate you about the appropriate treatment to help your child enjoy normal health.

3. Physical Activity

Physically active children keep themselves engaged in some activities all the time. These movements improve their motor skills, encourage them to think and navigate the world around. An active child always seeks some reason to move. However, you must provide a lot of opportunities for physical activity, inside as well as outside your home. Generally, if parents are active, a child will follow their example.

4. A Good Neighbourhood

Your child grows in the company of children and people in your neighbourhood. They learn from their friends and neighbours and are influenced by them significantly. Various places such as shops, parks, schools, libraries, health centres etc. that your child visits impact their learning and development process.

We at Clovel Childcare and Early Learning Centre, provide a very nurturing environment for children to learn and grow. For any information about our services, give us a call at 02 9199 0294 or fill in this contact us form

Thanks for reading,
Clovel Childcare
1300 863 986