
Numeracy and Maths Program

Everyday Maths Skills

Math is a vital part of our lives and we all use it every day. Your child by instinct begins to understand mathematical concepts very early in their childhood.

For example, they will understand the concept of numbers, know which number is less and which is more, have a rudimentary understanding of addition and subtraction and understand the concept of time, weight and length.

Clovel’s experienced Educators will capitalise on this natural learning and will start explaining and exploring simple numeracy concepts with your child to ensure we take advantage of your child’s intuitive learning capability in the area of maths. At Clovel we are keen to have your child “maths aware” upon beginning “big school”.

Numeracy Concepts Taught Simply

Our Numeracy Program introduces your child to mathematical concepts gently and naturally as a part of their daily lives and routines. This will ensure your child will learn without feeling pressure.

Number Sense

This includes the ability to count forwards and understand relationships between numbers through concepts like simple addition and subtraction.

Children of age two and above can count in more than one language and will have a very basic understanding of number relationships and number values.


We reinforce number sense with real-life scenarios and use words, pictures, objects, and symbols to introduce number relationships to your child.

For example, we might give your child 5 crayons and ask them to distribute the crayons amongst a group of five children including themselves.

Your child will understand that after giving one crayon to each member of the group they are left with only one crayon in their possession. Such activities help children clearly understand number relations.

Spatial Sense

We will introduce your child to ideas of size, shape, position, space, direction, and movement through a series of games and tools.

For example, we will use words like ‘climbing up the stairs’ or ‘moving back or coming forward’. These things might seem like simple concepts to adults, but they form the building blocks for your child to learn much more complex mathematical concepts.


Ages 2 to 6 is the right time for children to start learning about measurements. We introduce concepts like the length, height, and weight of an object using units such as centimetres or grams gradually over the years.

We do this through art, cooking and various other indoor and outdoor activities and projects so your child will have a solid foundation of these concepts.


Children find it difficult to understand estimates. They cannot guess the approximate size and amount of things easily.

We try to help them understand this concept and show the meanings of words like bigger/smaller, more than/less than, higher/lower, under/over.


Patterns are predictable and logical. Surprisingly, children respond very well to logic. We will use different toys and resources to introduce patterns to your child.

This helps develop your child’s ability to make connections, reason, solve puzzles and look at things logically.

Problem Solving

Children can develop problem-solving skills at a very early age easily. The more we encourage them through our wide variety of resources and activities, the better they are at it.

We introduce several games and puzzles that will encourage your children to use their mind, logic and reasoning ability, and understanding of patterns to solve puzzles.

Government Funding

Support For


With Parents

Performing Arts


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