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How Motivation Leads to Self-Confident Kids

Like adults, children also need motivation to feel encouraged and inspired. To continue encouraging children, it is necessary for parents and teachers to motivate children to achieve success. Read on to learn how motivation leads to self-confident kids.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is a process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. It involves emotional and cognitive emotions that activate behaviour. Often, we notice that children are reluctant to do their homework, study or even practice music lessons. This attitude of ‘not-trying’ occurs due to the lack of engagement and motivation in children towards these specific activities.

It can be more worrying for parents to notice their child avoiding certain things and describing them as “boring”. So, what can you do to set them on the right track? All they need is motivation really, and it will act as a catalyst to make them do things willingly, confidently and passionately.

Motivation drives children to success and keeps them moving towards success. At school, motivation translates into academic success while in play and sporting activities it translates into winning. But it isn’t uncommon for children to have negative experiences at school as well as outside, mostly because of not doing or doing something.

This can give rise to unpleasant conditions and incompetence, which leads them to develop an even stronger aversion to these things. It’s times like these that parents and teachers need to be encouraging and the driving force that motivates them to make additional efforts and do things confidently.

In most cases, motivation can help boost a child’s morale, giving them the confidence to believe in themselves and push themselves to do the things that, at first, seem challenging.
Parents and teachers need to make efforts to create an environment that fosters motivation in children which ultimately helps them become more self-driven.

How To Keep children Motivated

Since children spend most of their time with their parents and teachers, these adults must know the best ways to keep them motivated. Here are some helpful tips:

    • Make your children experience positive moments in various tasks and help them build the confidence to do those things. The more they feel confident and competent, the more likely they’ll enjoy doing those things and ultimately, get better at them too. Once they feel they are more capable, even when the outcome is not favourable, they will not feel discouraged. In fact, they will feel motivated to participate in that activity more confidently.


    • We tend to praise children for their excellent grades. But sometimes, they don’t get good results despite their best efforts. Even in this situation, a parent should praise them for the effort and not the result. Each child is unique and has their interests and talent. Encourage them, so they will do better the next time without feeling discouraged about their lack of performance the first time around.


  • Recognise success, change things up and keep their interest alive and engagement levels up. Make sure that you create a fun-filled and interactive environment at home. This can enhance their cognitive abilities, improving their overall learning experience. This approach will help children become keen learners who understand the value of persistence, relish challenges, and embrace effort, thereby finding their way to success.


The Right Preschool Environment Matters

Make sure that your child attends a preschool where the educators are committed to encouraging them and helping them hone their abilities. At Clovel, we recognise that every child is unique and it is this uniqueness which makes them who they are. Our certified and trained educators support learning in the children.

But more than that, they keep engagement levels high in the classroom and that is what encourages the children to do better every day. When children realise that they aren’t being looked down upon or compared to anyone else, it garners a sense of confidence in them and helps instill drive which enables them perform well later in life too.

Clovel’s educators are always encouraging, and this helps them hone a child’s ability to do things independently. This approach boosts their self-confidence and gives them a sense of achievement.

For any more information, call Clovel Childcare and Early Learning Centre, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. For any information about our Educational Programs, give us a call at 02 9199 0294 or fill in this contact us form.
Thanks for reading,
Clovel Childcare
1300 863 986